#WeCANRethinkThat - In partnership with Sea Hugger

#WeCANRethinkThat - In partnership with Sea Hugger

While we are practicing our best physical distance techniques, we are doing our best to practice personal connection techniques - including talking on the phone, texting & emailing, and social media. Through those connections, we are proud to introduce a new partnership between Byrd's Filling Station and Sea Hugger, a nonprofit located in Half Moon Bay who is dedicated to protecting and healing the marine environment from plastic pollution. As we all look for activities to do at home, there has also been a lot of creativity in how to "do a lot with a little". So let's put this collective creativity to good use!

Introducing #WeCANRethinkThat. This challenge is meant to help us harness our time at home for good - in this case, reducing the waste in our gabage CAN! (Get it? Garbage CAN. We CAN! Hehehe) There are a number of ways you can participate:

1. Perform a waste audit in your home. (Since all of our garbage is going straight in our own garbage cans, it's a good time to really see our true levels of waste since it isn't going to your office's garbage can, or those at your kids' schools) If you're willing to share the info, enter your results here.

2. Follow Sea Hugger and Byrd's Filling Station on social media to follow along, and spread the word about this campaign.

3. Post about waste-reduction things you do using the #WeCANRethinkThat hashtag, and tag us.

We hope you'll join us in the campaign and help spread the word!