Flip-It Bottle Emptying Kit

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Save money and reduce waste with Flip-It!®, the ultimate solution for getting every drop out of your bottles on items such as shampoos, conditioners, lotions, soaps, condiments and more! Adapters are included to help ensure a fit with almost any standard bottle size.

Choose to flip 1 or 2 bottles at a time, and what types of products. Can be used for everything from personal care (Bath set, gray) to condiments and kitchen (Kitchen set, purple).

The Adapters are color coded by size. All stands come with multiple adapters for flexibility. Mix and match colors to customize your set of Flip-Its!

  • Red or Coral: “Large” Adapter - 33 mm
  • Orange or Dark Grey: “Medium” Adapter - 28 mm (Plaine Products)
  • Yellow or Cream: “Small” Adapter - 24 mm (EO and Dr Bronners in Byrd's Filling Station aluminum bottles)
  • Dispensing stands are 38 mm. (Fits our gallon jugs without adapter)


Additional Info

Save money and reduce waste with Flip-It!®, the ultimate solution for getting every drop out of your bottles on items such as shampoos, conditioners, lotions, soaps, condiments and more! Adapters are included to help ensure a fit with almost any standard bottle size.

Choose to flip 1 or 2 bottles at a time, and what types of products. Can be used for everything from personal care (Bath set, gray) to condiments and kitchen (Kitchen set, purple).

The Adapters are color coded by size. All stands come with multiple adapters for flexibility. Mix and match colors to customize your set of Flip-Its!

  • Red or Coral: “Large” Adapter - 33 mm
  • Orange or Dark Grey: “Medium” Adapter - 28 mm (Plaine Products)
  • Yellow or Cream: “Small” Adapter - 24 mm (EO and Dr Bronners in Byrd's Filling Station aluminum bottles)
  • Dispensing stands are 38 mm. (Fits our gallon jugs without adapter)